News & Resources

In the Montgomery County Medical Society

Important Information for Surgeons on CRNA Physician Supervision in Ohio

Montgomery County Medical Society Provided by MCMS Administration

Attention: Ohio surgeons, OB/Gyns, and Other Procedural Specialists

MCMS wants to draw your attention to a trend that is happening in the Dayton area. The OSMA has put out the following notice to Ohio surgeons, OB/Gyns, and other procedural specialists, regarding current state law that requires Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) to be directly supervised by a physician in order to administer an anesthetic. That means if your hospital or surgery center is employing CRNA’s without anesthesiologist oversight, YOU are the supervising physician and are responsible and LIABLE for the CRNA’s care. Now more than ever, please be aware of who is at the head of your OR bed!

Your MCMS Board addressed this important topic and considers it urgent for physicians to be knowledgeable about their professional involvement when a CRNA is providing anesthesia services for you. Please share this information with any of your colleagues as you deem appropriate.

The OSMA page with the CRNA article can be viewed here

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