News & Resources

In the Montgomery County Medical Society

Summer Brings a Need for Blood Donations

Montgomery County Medical Society Provided by MCMS Administration


MCMS members and their friends, family and associates are invited to participate in a community Blood Donor Drive supporting the Community Blood Center.  Summer needs always increase and this is an excellent opportunity for MCMS to be engaged in a community event.  There are several opportunities to get involved.    Talk with your family, friends and co-workers and encourage anyone who is able to donate to get involved.  It is a simple and relatively painless process.  Becoming a donor is a very fulfilling opportunity.  This is especially a great opportunity for Medical Students/Residents to get involved! 

The first date and location is this Saturday, July 15 from 8:00 AM-12:00 Noon  – MCMS is coordinating efforts with an existing donor site located at Zion Lutheran Church, 5550 Munger Road (intersection at W. Alex-Bell Rd).  Registration for this event is needed to ensure smooth scheduling and preparations.

The second date and location is being planned for Friday, August 18 from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM at White Hall, WSU Boonshoft School of Medicine.  This is especially suited to Medical Students and Residents and any others who find the date/time/location convenient.   Register here for this event.

Mark your calendar and share this information with everyone you know.  We need a  minimum of 30 donors for this event – join your friends and plan to come together!

Thank you to our sponsors: