News & Resources
In the Montgomery County Medical Society
RISHI Institute to Offer “Tending the Flame” Workshop

The Remen Institute for the Study of Health and Illness (RISHI) is sponsoring its annual “Tending the Flame” workshop to be presented this year on October 18-20, 2024 at Mills Park Hotel in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Two drivers of physician burnout include loss of meaning and lack of a supportive community. RISHI retreat and training workshops address these drivers of burnout. It is important to create safe spaces to share stories and learn additional self-care tools in this challenging healthcare environment. RISHI’s Tending the Flame Program is derived from RISHI’s Healer’s Art Course to assist clinicians and residents. Currently, physicians throughout the U.S. plan to attend this upcoming retreat and training workshop. See here for additional information on this event.
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